Welcome to XXTools, the website was lauched in Auguest 2023. Our goal is to provide a variety of free, powerful, easy-to-use and modern online developer tools suite. Most of the tools are private and secure, as they are running entirely in browser. I hope the site's UI is clean and cool, no annoying advertisements.

There are already many similar sites, some focus on single developer function, while others offer developer tools kit. But many sites are full of ads with cluttered pages. After I discovered this two-character domain name (XX) in early Auguest, I decided to create my own website,for myself and for everyone else.

The site is still under early development, so if you have any suggestions, please send an email to me. I hope you wil remember the site domain, xx.tools, which is simple and easy to remember! Thank you!

URL Encode & Decode

Free online tool to encode data to URL encoded format or decode from it, also known as percent encoding and decoding.

HTML Entity Encode & Decode

Free online tool to convert text to HTML entities encoded format or decode to original data with various advanced options.

Base64 Encode & Decode

Free online tool to encode text to Base64 format or decode Base64 format data to original data.

Base32 Encode & Decode

Free online tool to encode text to Base32 format or decode Base32 format data to original data.

Base16 Encode & Decode

Free online tool to encode text to Base16 format data or decode Base16 format data to original data.

JSON ⇆ JS Object

Free online tool to convert between JavaScript object and JSON. The Conversion is private and secure, run entirely in browser.


Free online tool to convert JSON to YAML, or YAML to JSON. The conversion run entirely in browser.


Free online tool to convert XML to JSON, or JSON to XML. The conversion run entirely in browser.


Free online tool to convert JSON to TOML, or TOML to json in realtime. The Conversion is private and secure, run entirely in browser.


Free online tool to convert JSON to CSV, or CSV to JSON in realtime. The conversion is private and secure, run entirely in browser.


Free online tool to convert YAML to TOML, or TOML to YAML in realtime. The Conversion is private and secure, run entirely in browser.

HTML Minify

Free online tool to minify HTML content in realtime, minify HTML to reduce size